Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sad, sad, sad...

I want to give you a glimpse into the sad life of this one Tanner Augustin. I've been watching American Idol this season (I haven't missed one yet). Yesterday, they eliminated everyone except the top 25. I'm not sure if any of you have been watching, but I was a fan of Josiah, the 18 year-old who lives in his car. He reminded me of my bud, Aaron. I think it was his aptitude for being able to come up with his own renditions of songs on the spot, and he was seemingly into the same kind of music. Well, he had a horrible final audition in Hollywood and got the ax. I was so down last night after the episode that I had trouble falling asleep. Sad, I know, that a reality show can affect me like that!

Another sad aspect of my life is how ridiculously out of shape I am! I went to a kickboxing class this evening with a friend, and WOW, it about killed me! An hour long class of punching and kicking air, doing jumping jacks, and jumping an air rope, and I seriously just about collapsed. I hadn't felt that light-headed from working out since high school basketball! We did the whole exercise where you're in an athletic stance and chopping your feet in place. Ya, I could definitely feel my obese jiggle on my waste, and I don't think I felt that during basketball camp! And the saddest part is that the instructor was a flaming gay guy, and there were definitely some ladies in there with more cellulite than me having a much easier time. A bit of a humbling experience overall, I must say!


Zach said...

You grilled lately? I know you bought one. They call it a BBQ up there don't they?

I have been working out T, you better get in shape for my Sonoma visit sometime in the next 20 years.

Hitting up Winter Park tomorrow on a snowboard, wish me luck!

HSUY10 said...

You lead a pathetic existence. In fact, you are turning into a American idol couch potato. I bet I'm in better shape than you now. Believe it!

How's the BBQ? Good BBQ huh?

Ted & Alicia said...

I can totally relate with your American Idol obsession. I also loved Josiah. I thought for sure they would put him through, because Randy and Paula put him through after his horrible audition. Didn't his first audition in Hollywood prove that he's better than the 24 they chose? By the way, do you know why he is living in his car? I saw his story, but missed that part of it I guess.