Thursday, May 1, 2008

Spring Softball

So I'm on a men's softball team with some friends and we had our first game tonight. I was pretty nervous because I haven't played since college intramurals (who remembers the days of the Radicals dominating UNL?!) (Zach, you probably have a more vivid memory of being dominated BY the Radicals in softball :)) And the last time I played, I think I struck out (even though we almost won the All-U tourney) needless to say I was a bit concerned that my California debut could be a bit under par. Well, I must say, tonight this Husker showed up in true Big Red form! I was a perfect 5 for 5 with 2 RBI's with the bat and was a freakin' maniac in outfield! :) I had the best catch I've ever had in my was hit deep over my head, so I was sprinting and caught it Willie Mayes style over my shoulder on a dead sprint with my arm stretch out! It was a thing of beauty....even the other team congratulated me on the catch. My teammate overhead their third base coach say "there's no way he's gonna catch that." Oh ya baby...he did, he did! I'll admit I'm a bit worried now is that I pulled the best game of my life out of my ass and now I have nowhere to go but down from here :) Or maybe my days as a Radical have prepared me now for days of glory as a member of the Jerkstore (our team name). By the way...the Jerk store called, they're all out of you!


Levi Drake said...

Hahaha, Tanner. I can picture the whole thing--I'm sure there was that slightly panicked expression on your face that you get as you chased down that ball, haha. I miss organized sports. Nice work.

Zach said...

I would have an intramural championship if you weren't so selfish. And great job, you guys won because our pitcher walked 12 batter, congrats.