Our first day wine tasting in Sonoma Valley! More specifically, it was barrel-tasting weekend -- all the wine you can drink for $55. This is when they "tap the bungholes" (that is the actual term) of the wine casks and siphon it out for us to drink. There also were food pairings with each wine that were pretty darn culinarily pleasing! The best news...I only had one run-in with a "cougar", so I deem that a pretty successful day :) By the end, we had visited 5 wineries and tasted a little Chardonnay and Merlot, but mostly Zinfindel, Cabernet, and Pinot Noir. We went home and pretty much crashed...darn depressents!
Jeff gets wine from a cask (To make this tagline more funny, replace "gets" with "taps", delete "wine from", and replace "cask" with "bunghole") [snickering]
Best time ever!! So do they have this event every year...I think I need to bring Ken out for it next year!
Dude - the cougar is a delicate and elusive creature. Their perfectly-aged beauty is to be respected for sure, not shunned. Many things they have to teach us my dear boy - many things.
Brenna - yes it is!
Aaron - [ceaseless laughter!]
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