Sunday, January 6, 2008

Roof Rack...check!

Well, I'm back in Cali and into the work groove again. I had a great time in Nebraska over Christmas, although I didn't get much sleep! Between three nieces running wild at home, and three nights in Lincoln that involved alcohol, dancing, cards, and shared hide-a-beds, my sleep time was significantly less than my aging body needs! But it was all great fun! Stepping on the scale at the YMCA, I was pretty surprised that I had gained 5 lbs in the last two weeks. I haven't gained weight for the last 6 months, and then all of a sudden I exploded! I'm motivated all of a sudden to incorporate jogging (pronounced "yogging"'s a new fad out here on the west coast) into my workout routine!

Get this, Lake Tahoe has had 6 ft of snow this weekend! That is craziness. I've never heard of such a thing! But that makes me super excited because I'm planning on going skiing up there the next two weekends. I just made a stop by REI and got my ski poles and a roof rack for my Rav-4. I can't tell you how excited I am!

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