Sunday, June 24, 2007

My life feels like an episode of 24

The following is based on real life events. Names and locations have been changed for protection

Last time on 24:
MY BOSS: Reed, you're going to be located in one of two sweet cities.
ME: Sweet! I'm excited. Let me know when the decision's made.

Dundun dundun. Dundun dundun (Theme soundbite)

(Begin this episode)

(Phone rings at 4:00 PM on friday)

MY BOSS: Reed, I know where you're going to a place we've never talked about before in the middle of nowhere.

ME: WTF???!!!!! What about one of those sweet cities you said I'd be in?

MY BOSS: Well, things have changed. What do you think?

ME: Um...I'm not at all excited and I'm pretty frustrated that noone told me this was a possibility.

MY BOSS: Ya man, but I think this will be good.

ME: So b/c I'm from a farm, people assume I'm going to be happy to go to rural farm country in a completely different state where I don't know people.

MY BOSS: Pretty much.

ME: Is there any chance it'll be at a different place?

MY BOSS: There's a slight chance it'll be in a cool city.

ME: Please put me in the cool city.

(Preview for next episode)
Boss calls Reed with his placement. Will it be in a cool city or rural farm county? Next time on FOX!


Carissa Martin said...

OH man! Thats insane! Are you working at the same kind of job that Aaron does? It sounds similiar with all the moving

johnnielund said...

You are SO ridiculous!

Anissa said...

tanner, this is aaron's older sister--which i think you know because i doubt you know anyone else with this name, but maybe you do and i should not think so highly of myself--, i got you're blog thingy off of aaron's, hope you don't mind. just wanted to say "hey" and "good luck on that job stuff" :)

Aaron D said...

Nice Reed. Real nice. Well, I hope you enjoy your new screen name. It's been a while in the making I know, and now that you've busted through the confines of the MidWestern anti-original cage, you can be Reed all you want. Go get 'em.