Friday, July 13, 2007

The Young Man is West!

Well, I've made it out to Sacramento! After leaving home, my friend Corey and I drove 12 hours to Salt Lake City (beautiful place) passing through western Nebraska, Wyoming, and eastern Utah. We had a beautiful night's sleep then drove 10 hours to Sacramento passing through the rest of Utah, Nevada (both of which are currently on fire), and California (of which Lake Tahoe is on fire). The drive to Salt Lake was a killer, but the second day didn't seem as bad. We averaged 10.8 mpg, I spent $627 on gas, my voice was almost gone from talking over the truck noise, but we made it!

We were able to start moving into my apartment Sunday afternoon, a day earlier than anticipated. I soon realized, however, that a 16 ft Penske truck packed full of crap was going to overwhelm my little 450 sq ft apartment. This was an initial sense of discouragement and dispare! Corey handled my indecisiveness and multiple mind changes well on where to arrange the furniture. It's been five days now since I've been here and I'm finally getting a handle on where to put everything! (Ikea is a lifesaver!)

On Tuesday Corey and I went to San Francisco hoping to meet some special people there (song lyrics in case you didn't remember)! It was a much needed break from my apartment woes. And we had a blast there, going to the MLB All-star game. We saw Pat Sajak from Wheel of Fortune! Tickets were a little out of our range ($150-300) but we were able to wants from behind right field on the Bay.

Well, Corey flew out Wednesday afternoon and I've spent my time trying to get situated. It was such a blessing having him here. He kept a positive attitude while I was freaking out about fitting everything in my apartment. I can't imagine how long this last week would have seemed if I didn't have someone with me! I must admit, I've been a little more homesick than I thought I'd be, but it's getting better. The weather is great in the evenings here and I'm in a really cool location. I believe I'm where God has me for this time in my life, so I'm trusting Him to work his sovereignty and provide mercifully. Until next time, stay classy San Diego!


Dr. and Mrs. Thomas said...

love it! I was wondering who the 'other guy' was that you were forcing to ride along with in the truck w/o air. what a good friend. you'll have to put some pics up of the new place after you get all situated. can't wait to see it!!

HSUY10 said...

hey update more! you're not doing a good job.

BTW I got called a dumbf*ck sh*thead by a doctor the other day.