Sunday, October 12, 2008

Do not vote until you read THIS!

I have some very important information to share with you all before you make any presidential voting decision! If you think you have already made your choice, this may change your mind! What I'm about to tell you has been covered by the mainstream media (more like laimstream media if you ask me!) because they don't want you to know this. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if this blog gets blocked after I publish this post, but I'm taking a risk for the good of my country!

We all know that Barack Obama's middle name is Hussein. But that's not where it stops! Look at the Obama-Biden ticken. Does anything strike you as you read Obama-Biden? Look carefully...if you replace the 'b' in Obama with an 's', add an 'nla' after the 'i' in Biden, you get Osama Binladen! How scary is that! I mean, come on people, what more do you need to see the terrorist connection? To go one step further, if you take the 'ck' off Barack and then flip it around, it spells Arab! Oh my gosh, this is just ridiculously scary. Need more about the Terrorist fist jab between Obama and his wife! A fist punch? A pound? A terrorist fist jab? Yes my friends, everyone knows that the sign of camaraderie between terrorists is a fist jab. That's what Bin-laden and his cohorts do in their cave...everyone knows that! Good grief...wake up people!

But if you think that gives you a clear answer as to who to vote for, i.e. McCain, think again! All we need to do is to look at his VP nominee, Sarah Palin, and you will be astounded! If you replace the 'P' in Palin with an 'St', you get Stalin! Oh my gosh! How can this be? Is she a communist? Oh no!!!! And to go one step further, if you take the 'P' and the 'l' out of Palin, add a 'z', and mix the letters around, you get Nazi! This can't be!!!! WTF is going on here?!!! This is just as scary! This explains the Communist wink she does! Everyone knows the sign of death between KGB agents and Stalin was a wink. A wink from Stalin to a KGB agent meant death to a non-communist! Everyone knows that! And is it a coincidence that she can see Russia from her house? Oh no!!!!

So what do we do?? It's either a terrorist or a communist!!!! [Sigh] I guess South Park had it right're always voting between a Terd Sandwich and a DB!


Anonymous said...

Which one is the turd sandwich and which one is the DB?

You are funny.


Josh and Erin said...

ha ha ha ha. This is great